Pink Plaid Flannel for Fall

by - October 17, 2019

Pink Plaid Flannel / Jeans / Booties are Target last here, this year's version here and here / purse
Hey y'all! This pink plaid flannel was a favorite from last week's edition of Sunday Shopping. I'm so glad I got one for myself - it's soft, loose-fitting, and I love the color. The pink is so different from any flannel I've seen in stores this season.

I also wanted to let you guys know that Target has been running a buy one, get one 50% off promo all week on all shoes! I love their fall selection and rounded up my favorites below:

Anyway, my sister surprised us (well, my mom and dad and aunt knew for weeks!) last night and flew in a few days earlier than we were expecting. I was reading on the couch and heard her voice and was SO stunned hahah. So this morning we got her favorite breakfast, Western Bagel, and milled around town. Tomorrow we are going on a road trip to the apple orchard and I cannot wait! We go every fall, and I look forward to it all year long. I'll give a full report once we get back xoxo

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