Spring Break Wishlist

by - February 26, 2019

I look forward to going some place every spring - I'm currently in the process of choosing my next destination! While I'm searching through all the travel guides, I'm also picking out my spring favorites to bring along with me. There are some good ones this year, you guys! I am obsessed (majorly!) with the palm print swimsuit - the tassels are SO adorable, and the top & bottom are only $24 each. I tried to pick one thing from each category - a swimsuit, a sandal, a pair of shorts, etc. Most of these are pretty affordable....the blue bikini is only $12!!! The tassel tote is under $20, and the sunglasses look designer but are only $69. Also, how pretty is this white dress? I've recently discovered this website Red Dress Boutique and I want like 90% of their website....they have the cutest things! PS I'm having trouble linking the hair scarf...it's from ASOS.

Anyway, I wanted to get this post out yesterday, but I ended up spending the day in Malibu & Santa Monica. So fun driving past the Bachelor mansion on the way to the beach on Bachelor Monday! How basic am I?? xoxo

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