Dreaming of Vacation...

by - February 07, 2019

Hey guys! I've had one thing on my mind the past few days: my summer trip. In case you're new around here, last August my family & I went up the east coast from Florida, through Georgia, and into South Carolina. I LOVED my time there so much - I often find myself reminiscing on all the places we went. Here are some things I've been thinking of.....

Bike riding around Charleston

Exploring the squares in Savannah

First time visiting a plantation

Shopping on King Street

Folly Beach

Collecting seashells at St. Augustine Beach

Sorry this post has nothing to do with fashion! It was just all I could think of the past few days, probably because of the dreary weather. I'm dying to visit Charleston again, and I miss Florida so much. Here's hoping I'll get to go again this year! xoxo

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