Where We Ate in the South

by - November 09, 2018

Let me be the first to say this post is LONG overdue! I meant to publish it just after our trip, but it's so lengthy that I kept putting it on the back burner. I'm determined to share it, though, because I still think about the food from Charleston even after two months of being home! I didn't have one bad meal (or snack) while I was there - everything was outstanding, which is not something I can say about my other trips! Here are all the places we ate according to city:

Charleston, SC
The only way to convey how much I like this place is to tell you that we ate here twice within 3 days. This says a lot, considering Charleston has SO many options when it comes to restaurants. We had a long list of other places we wanted to try, and we still went back here instead because we couldn't stop thinking about the food! Juliet is a small Italian place with an understated, rustic atmosphere. They have an imported pasta maker that makes the spaghetti unreal, and their salad and pizza was mouthwatering. We ordered the Greens Salad, the Margherita Pizza, and a custom Marinara pasta that's not on the menu (we asked for it). For dessert, we got chocolate crumble pudding (forgot the name) that has olive oil in it. May not sound good, but trust me....it is. I'm ready to cry writing this because I want to eat there so bad but it's so far away! If you ever find yourself in Charleston, this place is a MUST TRY.

Poogan's Porch
This converted house is so near and dear to my heart. I had heard about their food over and over again prior to visiting, and when it was finally my turn to eat there it was so special and exciting! I envisioned going for Sunday brunch after church, and that's exactly what we did. It was kind of a miracle too, because we were able to get a table despite not making reservations far in advance (we tried to make them the night before...too late). The food was soooo yummy, and the restaurant is about as Charleston-y as you can get. While they offer traditional dishes, they put their own spin on everything. Their biscuits are phenomenal!!

Normandy Farm Artisan Bakery
I love this cute little place! It doesn't look like much, but it really is a gem. Every time we stopped to eat in Charleston, I was continually shocked by how yummy the food was. I would order something seemingly ordinary, then found it was definitely extraordinary once I tried it! We just stopped for a snack here, but we got a slice of key lime pie and a quiche. Soooo goooood. I wish I could eat there right now!

Daniel Island Grille
We stopped here for dinner during our day trip to Daniel Island. It's a fun place! It has a pretty standard All-American menu and a nice patio area. We really enjoyed the food here, and sitting outside during sunset made it even better. Definitely recommend it if you ever visit! I don't have a picture here because by the time we got there, the sun was almost set and it was too dark.

Lost Dog Cafe
This is such a fun cafe, and I can pretty much guarantee you haven't been to a place like it before! It's a little beach town restaurant that has donated pictures of cute doggies all over the place. They have a typical American menu for the most part, but they also have some interesting things that don't necessarily sound as good as they are. They rotate different salads weekly, and we got some sort of broccoli and vinegar one. It may sound weird but it was really good...so much so that we ordered one, finished it, then ordered another. PS - I didn't know we were going to this restaurant when I put that shirt on - it was a coincidence! Hehehe

Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream
It really is splendid 😊 This is a new, trendy place with unique flavors (some dairy-free), like Lemon Buttermilk and Sweet Potato with Torched Marshmallows. I had a hard time deciding on just one flavor, but I chose the Salted Caramel and was not disappointed!! That is, by the flavor at least....the price was not so fun at $8/scoop, but hey you gotta live a little!

BKeD Shop
Gourmet doughnuts, coffee, shakes, and the BEST milk on the planet. I would go back there just for their whole milk - I had no idea it would be on another level. The doughnuts are really fun flavors, too. My other favorite thing about this place is how it is decorated - I love all the details and the overall look!

The Rise Coffee Bar
This is one of the coolest coffee shops! When you walk in, it just seems like nice a place for gourmet coffee....then you go through the door off to the side, and suddenly you're in a private lounge! This coffee shop is actually connected to the Restoration hotel, and the lounge felt like something out of the Clue game haha. It's decorated really well, too - my dad hates coffee and he enjoyed this place!

Savannah, GA

Little Duck Diner
We came here for dinner when we first arrived in Savannah, primarily because it was one of the only places open haha. If you read my Georgia blog post (find it here), you know that Savannah closes up quite early. There weren't many options, but luckily this one turned out to be pretty great. It's kind of like a high-end Denny's. It is diner food, but it's more upscale and has a much nicer atmosphere than a typical diner. We had a lot of fun here!!

Collin's Quarter
This is the place you want to make sure you go to in Savannah. It's extremely popular, and for good reason. Really fabulous menu, great ambiance, friendly staff, nice-looking restaurant - I thoroughly enjoyed lunch here. I got a burger and the beef was SO juicy and flavorful!! I hear brunch is the best meal there...would have loved to try it!

River Street Sweets
I have one reason for mentioning this place: taffy. The best taffy. EVER. Oh my gosh I still think about it! I tried to get taffy at Disneyland after we got home and it didn't even come close hahah! They also have the best pralines too, and they pass out warm, fresh samples. Ahhhh :)

Churchill's Gastropub
We chose this place because we drove by it the night before and it looked pretty cool. We spotted the rooftop patio (complete with pretty lights) from afar and decided to go there for dinner. We had a really nice time! The food was great and so was the service. There were only two other guys on the roof who were just having drinks, so our waiter pulled up a chair and chatted with us most of our meal. And that was when I knew we weren't in CA anymore! ;)

Pizza Time - St. Augustine
I know this is a bold statement, but this is the best pizza I've ever had. I haven't been to Italy or NY so I can't say it's the best in the world but....I would argue it could be! We enjoyed this place soooo much I can't begin to tell you. We were not expecting to like a random pizza shop as much as we did, but I can't even describe how good it was. Italian New Yorkers are running the place, so that kind of gives you an idea. Don't skip the olives, whatever you do!

Raglan Road - Orlando
Be sure to go here if you go to Disney Springs! We actually worked Orlando into our trip itinerary because we love this family restaurant + pub so much and were dying to go back. They have an awesome menu and Irish stepdancers that perform each night. Just a heads up - the dancers finish by 10pm, and the menu changes to a more condensed list (but is still great). Below is a photo of me with a Guinness shake? (I forgot what it was) and a chocolate soufflé, then a photo of a beef stew in a little cauldron. Yum!!!

The Boathouse - Orlando
This is another fab place at Disney Springs. There are lots and lots of options there when it comes to restaurants, and this is a great choice for a nice, dressier lunch or dinner. I do like the food here (it's pretty good), but I wouldn't rave about it like I have with some of the other places. Also, beware of outdoor seating if you get seasick. The tables outside are on a dock, and you can sense the waves hitting the pillars underneath the tables. If you're sensitive to motion like I am, you may get very nauseous.

I think the fact that I remembered all these details about the food 2 months after the trip speaks to how good it was. Charleston had the best food, hands down. You can't go wrong there - everything we tried was just so good! There were lots of places I didn't get to, so I hope to go back some day and try the rest. Writing this has exposed me to the worst case of wanderlust haha...I miss traveling! Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this and maybe even found it useful if you're going to be in any of these areas - thanks so much for reading! xoxoxo

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