Visiting Savannah, Georgia

by - September 11, 2018

Finally sharing all about my time in Savannah, GA! We were kind of skeptical about visiting because we had heard so many different things....mostly that it's a different world, there would be a lot of culture shock (especially coming from CA), among other things. A lot of people also said they loved it there, so I really wasn't sure what to think. I was expecting to love it as much as I loved Charleston.

We originally planned to be there Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and we actually left a day early because we weren't liking Savannah all that much hah. Spending our last two days of vacation in Florida sounded way better, so we re-routed at the last minute and went back to Orlando Friday morning. More on that in a bit!

We arrived in Savannah Wednesday evening and were surprised to find almost the whole town closed up for the night. By the time we checked in, changed, and went for dinner around 7, there were hardly any places open besides bars! For some reason I thought there was more of a nightlife there, but it was quite the opposite.

Thursday was spent exploring the squares. Savannah is very historic, much like Charleston. It's situated around 24 squares, which are all connected and easy to walk through. Each one has a historical figure in the center, and they are much like small parks with lots of trees and foliage. We couldn't see all of them because that would've taken hourssss haha. But I did really like the ones we went through!

This is where Forrest Gump's bench was - right in front of the statue! (It's in a museum now)

I love the homes and shops there - they kind of remind me of Charleston, but they have their own charm to them. It's really nice to wander around the town and pass by all the local businesses. One of the stores we went into was Paula Deen's; she lives there in Savannah. Her shop is adorable! Everything says "y'all" on it haha. She was actually there for a book signing Friday morning, but we were leaving by then and didn't get to meet her.

I didn't know that Savannah has a really beautiful cathedral in the heart of the city, so it was a pleasant surprise when we came around the corner and saw it. It's truly magnificent in person - all of the stations of the cross were hand-carved.

We also went on the river walk and saw one of the oldest streets in the country. The stones are all original, and it's really fascinating!!  There's a big steamboat you can board to take a tour on the river, and there are also lots of shops and restaurants to peruse. We LOVED the taffy shop - my gosh the best taffy I've had in my life. Soooo fresh and tasty!!

Honestly, there isn't much to do in Savannah. We went to the famous Forsythe Park (pictured above) and saw all the incredible trees, but after that there wasn't really anything else to see. Our experience at Forsythe wasn't the greatest....we parked on the scary side by accident (the park has a nice side and a ghetto side), got out of the car, and found ourselves in the midst of two men in a rather gruesome fight. Once we got away from that situation, we were able to enjoy it a little more. Aside from that, the squares are basically the highlight of the city. We also made the mistake of taking a drive and quickly found ourselves in the projects - definitely not where you want to end up haha. It gets pretty scary just outside of the historic district, so beware if you ever go.

The last thing we did in Georgia on Thursday evening was go to Tybee Island, which is a cute little beach town. There really isn't much going on there, so it's very quiet. I'm glad I got to see it!

We were able to see all the sights of Savannah in one day, and we pretty much had nothing left to do there by the time Friday came around. That's why we ultimately chose to head back to Florida, because we LOVE Florida and were missing it big time!

Up next I'm talking about the last leg of our trip in Saint Augustine and Orlando, and then I'll write up a big 'ol post on everywhere and everything we ate throughout our trip. Talk to you soon! xoxo

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