Hi from my Trip!

by - August 18, 2018

Just wanted to stop in real quick and say hello from FLORIDA! Landed here yesterday afternoon and am just so excited to be back. I love it here!!

Bad iPhone photo of arriving at the airport at 6am! 

Our flight was actually delayed about an hour yesterday morning, and to be honest it really wasn't the best flight. I enjoyed flying American Airlines last year, but this year the pilot never updated us on where we were - kinda annoying when the flight is about 5 hours long. We had a ton of turbulence and a messy landing, which he didn't address either. Our plane didn't have any screens on the seats like it did last year, so that was also a bit of a bummer. Anyway, after picking up our bags and rental car we didn't get in to our hotel until about 8pm. Nonetheless, we still made it to Disney Springs and had the best time. We purposely flew in to Orlando to visit our favorite places in the Disney District, and it was well worth it!!

 View from our hotel room

 The "features" menu

Here are just a few pictures of yesterday's travels....I'll definitely talk more in-depth about my trip once I'm home, but this is just a little update. We ate dinner at the Boathouse, wandered the shopping area, and then finished the evening with a nightcap and dessert at Raglan Road, arguably one of my favorite places EVER. It's an Irish pub that's somehow family friendly, but is so so sooo much fun! The main restaurant is situated around a stage, and each day/night they have Irish step dancers and other performers who are extremely lively and even dance on tabletops. The food's pretty good, too!! Sidenote: the Irish dancers are only there until 10pm....we thought they started at 10pm hahah. So we missed out but may stop back for lunch when they are there on our last day!

Today we are headed up the east coast....can't wait to share more! I'm so excited!!! :)

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