The Yummiest 3-Ingredient Cherry Cobbler

by - July 17, 2018

Today's the day to share all about one of my all-time favorite desserts! I've been sharing this recipe with friends and family for years. It's fun to share because it's so easy! One of my aunts used to make it back in the day, and I started making it all the time once I learned how to. Even if you don't cook or bake, I'm telling you - you can do this one! It's so easy, the ingredients are really simple, and it's virtually hassle-free.

You will need:
1 box of white cake mix
1 can of cherry pie filling
1 stick of butter

Step 1:
- Pour half of the cake mix into an 8x8 glass baking dish (you don't need to grease the bottom of the dish)

Step 2:
- Empty the entire can of cherry pie filling directly over the cake mix and spread evenly

Step 3:
- Add the remainder of the cake mix over the top, covering all the filling

Step 4:
- Cut the entire stick of butter into slices, then layer the slices evenly over top of cake mix

Step 5:
- Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. The top should be golden brown when it comes out. Bonus: add a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra touch!

And that's it! I promise, you won't regret trying it. The butter with the cake mix makes a glorious crust!! For the Fourth of July, I actually made a larger version of this recipe; all you do is double the ingredients. You just place a whole box of cake mix on the bottom of a larger glass dish, 2 cans of cherry pie filling, and then another whole box of cake mix on the bottom. Then 2 sticks of butter (sliced) on top. Please let me know if you try this/how you like it! xoxo

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