My 4th of July!

by - July 08, 2018

Blogging world - I've missed you! The past few days have been nothing short of a catastrophe. I'm so sorry I haven't posted since Tuesday. I went to Las Vegas and had one problem after the next, and even though I brought my computer I didn't even have time to take it out of its bag. I like to publish 4-5 posts a week, and the problems with the trip really interfered with my posting. Anyway, I'm planning on sharing more on that in my next post, but for now I wanted to share a little bit about my fourth of July. It was really nice!

This year it was just my mom and I instead of our usual party of 4 - my dad had to work and my sister was in Texas. The last thing we wanted to be was home alone for the holiday, so we went to our family friends' get-together and saw fireworks all together later that night. I had such a good time!! We dressed up Zoey in her dress and put Oliver's patriotic bandana on, hah! They posed for the photos thanks to Captain Crunch 😉 

A couple of the girls helped me make cherry cobbler, one of my favorite desserts that is probably the easiest, simplest recipe...ever! I'll be sharing it this week so be sure to check back because it's seriously soooo so SO good. Everyone who tries it asks me about it, and I've taught lots of friends how to make it over the years.

I decided to go for my A&F Shortalls & Madewell Stripe Tank with my white Adidas Superstar sneakers. I really wanted to wear my red bandana in my hair, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. Anywho - I love this outfit!

I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July. I can't wait to bring you up to speed about our LV excursion! In the meantime, stay cool if you are suffering the heat wave. Our A/C in our house AND our car is currently broken and it was over 110 degrees this weekend!! I'm on my way out to seek refuge...and ice cream! xoxo

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