Monday Motivation

by - July 23, 2018

Good morning everyone! I'm writing this post in a desperate attempt to inspire myself, hah! First of all, how pretty is the office above? I found it on Google - it makes me want to work towards having a room like that some day! Sometimes I get the week off to a great start with fresh ideas & a clean slate from the previous week, but today is not one of those Mondays. I need some inspiration! Here are some things on my mind that make me feel motivated:

1. Thinking of Goals & What's Coming Up

I get really encouraged when I think about things like places I want to go, upcoming trips, finding a new job, autumn, etc. Whenever there doesn't seem to be a lot going on at the moment, I try to think about exciting things that are yet to come. I will say though, sometimes thinking about the future can do the opposite and make me depressed or anxious! So I have to think about the right things, lol. Thinking of and setting goals really inspires me, too.

Image result for charleston, sc
Charleston, SC - where I'll be going in August!

2. Making a Plan

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One thing that's really helpful when I feel stuck in a rut is mapping out things for myself. Personally, I feel much more motivated when I write out a schedule for my blog, for example. I really enjoy brainstorming posts and planning what content & pictures to include - it makes me feel like I have my life together! I also like to work on scheduling whatever else is going on for the week, even if it's as simple as figuring out what you're going to make for lunch or dinner. I've found that buying a pretty planner or downloading an organization app really inspires me to stay on track.

3. Exercise

Image result for beach bike trail santa monica
Bike trail in Santa Monica

I always feel much better about life in general once I've gone on a walk or worked out. Something about those endorphins haha! But really, I force myself to get out and exercise when I lack motivation. Get a friend or friends together for a hike, rent a beach cruiser, head to the gym....not only does exercising clear my head, but it just makes me feel healthier and more motivated.

4. Get Out of the House

   Image result for studying in starbucks

Speaking of forcing myself outside, if I'm in a spot where I just have no motivation whatsoever, that's when I go somewhere. Starbucks, the mall, the beach, the library - wherever it may be, it's better than staying home. I always feel a world of difference once I've gone for a drive, even if it's just around town.

5. Investing in Prayer Life

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At the risk of sounding preachy, I find concentrating solely on God for a little bit each day helps immensely. Sometimes it seems like everything else gets in the way of keeping him at the center, and having him at the center is the only way the "gravity" of life is balanced. Things fall into place when you put God first.

Well, after writing this out, I'm happy to report I feel a little more motivated! I hope you might be too :)

On another note, this weekend was kind of...weird? Idk - just not what I expected. I think the main thing was I went out with some friends on Saturday night, and during dinner they got a phone call saying they had been robbed! I felt so bad when we got to their house and one of their French doors had been completely shattered by a heavy metal patio chair. I was just so glad everyone was okay and safe. The police told us that they had responded to another robbery call earlier in the evening down the street - the thieves had stolen $65,000 worth of jewelry. I couldn't even sleep in my own house that night because I was all paranoid about a robber! Hahah.

On a brighter note, Saturday marked 100 gained followers to my Instagram since starting my blog. How exciting!! Hey, I celebrate every little victory. It's been kinda hard creating a consistent "look" for my feed, but I'm really working on it with each post so I can have the kind of page that I want.

Anyway - I'm going to research some places to see and eat in Charleston. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! xoxo

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