Denim Skirt & Peasant Top

by - July 31, 2018

Hello everyone! It's been a minute since my last post. This past weekend + Monday were a little hectic as per usual. Remember I wrote about my friends getting robbed the other night? Some of our neighbors were robbed almost exactly the same way - around 10pm on a Friday, and the thieves shattered their sliding patio door, too! I'm completely freaked out. Apparently there's a ring working the area. It's especially weird to me because I've lived here my whole life and have never had any robbery encounters - the break-ins are relatively recent. What's even stranger is we saw the perpetrators a few weeks back, only they were parked in front of our house. I got chills when our neighbors described the car they had, because we saw the exact same car outside our driveway when we got home late one night. After hearing that, I was certain they were prepping to rob either us or another neighbor of ours that night we first noticed them.

On a lighter note, we celebrated my grammy's 88th birthday last week, and it was so special! I had written that we planned to bring her BBQ & an ice cream cake (her favorites), but when we got to her home they had a big KFC feast and an Oreo Cake - it was the sweetest thing (no pun intended hehe). Here's a photo of her on her big day!

Okay - now on to the outfit. I wore this on Saturday....I just love denim skirts. This one is actually a little older and I don't think my top is still in stock, but I really like this combination for summer. I paired it with my pink & white canvas backpack, which I'm currently obsessed with! I linked the backpack, sandals, and a similar skirt and hat right underneath the photos.

Also, I am super super excited for this week on the blog because I'm sharing another one of my favorite recipes. The 3-ingredient cherry cobbler I shared (read it here) has been my most viewed post to date, so I'm really happy to share something similar! This one will be savory rather than sweet....stay tuned :)

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