Holiday Houndstooth
For the first one, I paired it with a red sweater and a cream-colored scarf. The houndstooth with the red is just perfect in my opinion. The bold contrast between the colors really catches the eye...I feel so festive in this outfit!
I also love this skirt with a white sweater and a red scarf. It feels a little more casual because it's not quite as loud as the bright red sweater, which I do love! I wanted a solid red scarf, like this one, but I happened to have the plaid one in my closet & liked the look 😊
Which combo is your fav? I can't decide! BTW - I am definitely working on that Hallmark Christmas movies list. I've got some good ones to share with you guys! Also, we got our tree this week, and it's massive. Our living room has higher ceilings so we went with an 8-9ft, but we might have been a liiiiittle overly ambitious at the tree lot. We ended up with the fattest, fullest tree they had in that size, and it takes up SO much space hahah. But I love it! It's so bushy and tree we've ever gotten. See ya! xoxo